Saturday, June 25, 2011
how pretty!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
basically, I like to sleep
Thursday, May 19, 2011
business trip
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Welcome to our abode!
Tulip Festival
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A New Perspective
Monday, April 18, 2011
rainy day off
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
But Moses he knowses his toses aren't roses
It may or may not be that I've always kind of wanted one of these. so, last night, since my roommate jaclyn and I were home and a bit bored we decided we needed to fill an empty wall in our house, and we decided we'd start to make stuff to fill it. I made this exciting vowel and she made these cute little birdies.
Friday, April 08, 2011
you're probably not now, nor have you ever
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Midway Ice Sculpture thingy


We try to keep fresh flowers in our apartment, but our windows don't get any sun, so any plants we get die, and cut flowers only last for so long.
So, last week my roommate Jaclyn and I headed to the park and found some tree trimmings, so I brought them in, and today I painted them, and added some spring decorations.
I wanted to add more flowers to it for fun, but these purple ones were all I had left from the wreath I made.
Holy cow, I don't know where all this crafting is coming from, but it's a little bit fun.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Faber est suae quisque fortunae OR every man is the maker of his own luck
I am cultivating business relationships who can give me excellent recommendations, and studying the math I need for the GMAT, and I am working on some new writing samples and just picked up a book I want to tell you about.
I was always annoyed in high school that Latin wasn't offered, and when I got to college so jealous of those who had been luckier than I. But, at BYU I was intimidated, and less driven, and so never seemed to make it a priority.
My friend Jason, however has recently introduced me to Wheelock's Latin, which is apparently a great text for self-learners. SO, I am teaching myself latin. It will surely be a slow process, but I am going to share what I learn here. I am really excited.
Why does it even matter? Well, when I go to graduate school, if I study humanities or art history my favorite periods are 1)ancient roman and okay, greek-so maybe Greek is next but it's all in Latin anyways and English for that matter, and 2) middle ages and renaissance-but particularly as it revolves around the Catholic church-where most things are in Latin!
I think it will just be helpful. Although, I see in it everything that I hated about learning French. However, since I already have a certain amount of French under my belt at least I'm already familiar with it, and they're cognate languages (yay!) so I already have some vocabulary mastered.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Rodney Smith
It was probably 5 or 6 years ago when I first heard of him. He had an exhibit at BYU, and I fell in love.
His photos have so much whimsy and delight in them. But they're also so beautiful.
One of my art wishes is to own his book. But I don't have a spare $800 right now...although I guess if it really were my top priority I could not take vacation for a year and own it. but no, that's absurd, right? right? yes.
Or even a print! I would choose this one or this one. Because that second one was the cover of the guide to his exhibit, and I may or may not still cherish it like it's a real print.
I admire him. I also like to read his blog and get insights into his life. I know that's kind of creepy stalkery since I don't even know him. But that's basically what blogs are for anyways, so I don't feel bad about it.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sometimes (okay, kind of often) I get frustrated or even a little angry, but I try not to let things get me down.
But sometimes I get very sad. Yesterday was a sad day. Wake up the next day with a puffy face and a headache sad.
At first I couldn't place it. Work was fine. I'd even gotten over my cough finally so I could take a morning jog outside.
When I got home and no one was there, I realized that I just wanted to be with someone I knew.
I felt... Homesick.
Not homesick like "I live so far away there's no way I can get there" homesick. I don't live that far from home. I could have just driven there ( I do it all the time!) or called my mama. or my sister. or my dad or anyone in my family.
Homesick for company. for friendship. lonely even.
I wanted so desperately to be with anyone I knew, but the few people here I know were away.
And I just couldn't get over it. I cleaned my room (I know, thrilling on a Saturday night).
I even scrubbed my tub.
I walked around my whole complex looking for anyone I might know. no luck.
I have a quote I try to live by "Don't worry about having friends, worry about being a friend." But as I looked at that quote in my room, I just felt guilty for feeling lonely. I have done a poor job of meeting new people, and I knew it was my fault for not trying harder, maybe not being as charming in group settings as I could have been, or being as open and friendly to new people to make them feel at ease around me.
But then I just lost it. I missed feeling at home.
I felt the love of my Heavenly Father, and I knew He was aware of me, and that wherever I am, He is my friend. Christ is my friend.
He reminded me that He hears me, and that I should have more faith in Him and confidence in myself.
I almost forgot that it took over 6 months of sitting by myself in my old ward (with people I grew up with!) for me to make a friend-and that she was intimidated by me from a distance the whole time.
And today at church, a nice person smiled and said it was good to see me again.
and I am so grateful. Probably they'll never know that their simple smile was an answer to my heartfelt prayer last night. But I'm grateful they're close enough to the spirit to know to smile at me today.
And I hope that I can pass it on. And be a friend to someone who needs it more than I.
Or maybe we just need each other.
Friday, March 11, 2011
It seems like it went well. I was really nervous that people wouldn't find it interesting, but quite a few told me they enjoyed it. (yay!)
I loved doing it, presenting, teaching about something I love so much.
A group of people in my ward is heading to Europe at the end of April-if I'd known a little earlier I would DEFINITELY have been on board with it. Already today I was looking at airfare, but I just don't know if I can justify it.
I think I'd rather save a little more and do something different-a south African adventure? an outback getaway? a tropical escape? I'm not sure. But after looking at all that art, I ache to be in Europe again, traipsing around charming cities, saoking in the history, the sun and filling my heart and my eyes with the museums!
oh well.
On a brighter side, today I bought the most beautiful dress from Banana with giftcards I received from work. (yay for a nearly free dress!) I'm convinced it will be my go-to the whole spring and summer. It must be. You can dress it up with a cute belt, some wedges, or ooh, a sparkly cardigan or dress it down with a t-shirt and sandals.
and my last thought for the day. I went to Forever 21 on my break yesterday, and all I could see were things that looked like they were made by hippies who only had access to pioneer fabrics. gross.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Cabin Fever

Friday, March 04, 2011
This ones for you!
I've been reading the autobiography of Mark Twain. He desired it should only be published 100 years after his death so he could say what he wished without the worry of offending anyone and disguising the truth.
Here's a sample so you'll all want to buy your own copy or borrow mine. And you are welcome to.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Where I live
I love my sofa. It sure is comfy.
And the painting by my sister!
note the old sofa in the corner
(but still love)
I labored over this mix of art and stuff for a while,
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Lady Jane Grey
The drama after his death! most especially I feel so sad for poor Jane Grey. She may not be as innocent as history makes her seem- a victim of mean, insecure Elizabeth-she may have been as motivated by power as the other candidates for the throne.
But in this painting by Delaroche my heart breaks for her.

Poor Jane, a victim of ambitious parents and opportunity. On the throne-the Queen of England for 13 days.
This painting is beautiful-definitely one of my favorites. Her dress looks so real-you can practically hear it rustle. She is ready-succumbed to her fate, but you can see the loss, the awe at the injustice of it all in the eyes of her companion.
Sad. But Beautiful.
On a side note, I'm preparing a short presentation on the synbolism and role of the Virgin Mary in Northern Renaissance art, and I LOVE being immersed in the world of Art History again. I sure do miss it.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Wish me Luck!
I have loved working in retail and decided to take the opportunity to try to change the direction of my career into more of the home office direction. It is very competitive, and if I get in it will be the biggest compliment! There are a lot of rounds of interviews ahead of me (if I get through the first round!) but I couldn't pass this opportunity by.
Being accepted means going through a 7 week training program being partnered with a senior merchant, ending with the opportunity to become a junior merchant for one of our brands.
and relocating to either Columbus, OH or New York, New York.
We'll see how it goes. Either way, I'm excited that I took this step!
*most people are familiar with a merchant as a BUYER, or the people who decide what the stores will carry for each season.
who knows? maybe in a year or two you'll be buying things I picked out for the store to carry!
Saturday, February 05, 2011
dun da da duhn duhn DUHN DUUUHHHNNN!!!!
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
on praise and recognition
Sometimes it probably seems like I don't. Because sometimes the people and situations make me angry. But I do.
I am SO lucky to work for a company that is values based, that stands by its values, that invests in its leaders and am even more lucky to be viewed as a valuable leader by people in that organization.
Today I was talking to someone who used to work at the executive level about what I valued and what I needed from my leader and we were talking about recognition. I told him I thrived on positive recognition, and he said he did too. But what else he said really got my wheels turning. He said that as you grow in position, responsibility and authority, less and less positive recognition comes to you from your leaders. That positivite feedback has to come from the people who work for you, and their attitude. It may not be that they praise you or recognize your efforts. But if they enjoy working for you, and you've created an environment where they like to be, then that is praise-that is positive recognition.
He's right. (He's right most of the time.) I don't need someone to tell me I'm doing a good job to know I'm doing one. I am great at my job. I thrive on meeting challenges and exceeding expectations and making the people around me better, too. And if they love to work for me, then that is where I'll find my success.
I also love that at my new location I have the opportunity to get exposure to more of this thinking. I have been challenged in the past 6 months, definitely. Did I think more than one time about handing my keys over and walking away? Absolutely. But I have grown as a leader.
I am elevating.
And I LOVE my job.
I would show you if I could.
(Too bad, because I even have cute roses to have in the photos, oh well.)
But, it is BEAUTIFUL! A little lighter than I remember, but it is still amazingly beautiful. I am in love. All I need now is proper throw pillows and a proper rug. It goes really great with your painting, Sarah! What a lovely place I live in. Thanks roommates!
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
blue velvet
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, September 19, 2010
upcoming vacation!
I finally bought my ticket to go and visit my wonderful friend MEAGAN in London next month.
I'm so excited!
I always take a vacation this time of year-I can't take any vacation days after November 1st, because then it's Holiday Season.
So, guess when I get back? October 31st. It will be a wonderful 10 days. hallelujah! Shopping in London and other exciting places-here I come!
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
oh work...yes, yes you are.
I'm not gonna lie. It's hard. I cry a lot. I'm frustrated. I feel quite a bit like a failure.
(which is an irritating feeling.)
I daydream of days when the people that worked for me liked me.
When I didn't have to be the mean guy.
When they would trust my judgement and KNOW that the feedback I was giving was honest, fair, and in their best interest.
It's been a little over a month since I started my new far...I almost wish I hadn't done it.
BUT, I know in order to grow, you've got to get out of your comfort zone.
I am really truly incredibly grateful for the assistant I have. She is WONDERFUL. And if i didn't
have her, I would probably hate me life completely and have asked for my old job back.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Staying at my parents house-everything in boxes trying to find a place to live.
Granted, I could have been giving it a little more effort all along.
However, I am optimistic.
enough about that.
I am excited about education week next week. I had completely forgotten that I had already taken the time off of work until it showed up on my calendar a few weeks ago. (yay!)
Last time I was there I learned:
-that it's practically a commandment (from the way the instructor presented it) to make yourself more beautiful if possible.
-that every woman should own a pair of nude shoes
-that every woman looks good in coral and teal
-about how to remember more things (this clearly did not work, I have gotten ridiculous at remembering things if I don't write them down and look at them daily)
-about the brother of jared.
and other things I don't remember, so I didn't really learn.
This time I am excited to learn about:
-testimonies of christ through paintings and sculptures
☺☻♥♦♣6♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄☺‼¶§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼ (wow! look what I just figured out when you hold alt and use the 10 key-that's cool)
-more about the apocrypha which I find really fascinating
oh, and I'm going to this class about how to overcome my fears of dating-which I must have because I'm still single :) but one of the days is on how to deliberately fall in love. I'm going. Mostly I want to see what they say, and see if hey, maybe it is true, and partly because I want to give this information to a friend of mine, who REALLY should go hisself.
And on Thursday (cutting into my education week time) is Lagoon with my ward and my bff ANG before she heads to Peru to dig up long dead things for 5 months!
It's not like I'm her mother or anything. But I am SO PROUD OF HER! I just wanted to tell the world.
I'm even more proud of my sister SARAH because she is taking classes and moving herself towards her goal and masters program and excelling at it. Well done, Sarah!
I'm constantly impressed by the people around me. They are so motivating.
My new job is hard. I haven't been challenged like this in a while. It's pretty frustrating, and refreshing. It's been a long time since the feedback I got at work was anything other than "great, wonderful, perfect." So, it's difficult to hear "unacceptable, fix it, make them work or get rid of them" but I will only grow, and so will my team. The problem is I'm now in charge of something that hasn't been done correctly for over a year, and some of the people there are very resistant. but it's okay. I'm a teacher, and a coach. It's what I do best. Pretty soon, we'll be hearing "perfect, show others, that's what I want to see!"
*Pretty soon is a relative term...I'm hoping to hear those by Christmas...or MAYBE Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
So...I'm moving.
But it is to me.
I'm moving out on my own (I hope) but striking out in the world ( a little). I'll be moving up to the Salt Lake Valley because I am making a slight change in work. Same company, different store, different position.
I am hoping to find a perfect little studio or 1 bedroom apartment-(wouldn't a loft style be great?)on the east side in the south end of the valley (or close to 215)...if you hear of anything, or see anything will you let me know?
I do hope this is just the change I've been craving and needing. It's a little away, a big enough change, and the start of something new. I think I've become a little too complacent.
Graduate school is still in the future plans for me, but since I just don't know exactly what I want to do, I feel it's a little silly to go now. So, it's in the plans-maybe in a year.
For now, a little change goes a long way.
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Vegas, Part II
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Las Vegas: Part I
I have this fun way of passing time: and it's called teammates.
NOTE to all the people who are more kind than me: this involves identifying stupid/incredibly trashy people.
See, everytime you see someone who you think is incredibly disgusting/stupid/trashy etc. you say "teammate!" and try to get the best collection of award winning crazies for your team. We tried to get pictures of all of our teammates, but we couldn't. Some wer just too quick to spy.
So, here are some of our teammates. Sorry if you're offended by our playing this game. We used to play in college with people on campus, and you know what? It's just fun.