Today my roommate, Emily and I got the rearranging bug, and we needed to hang a mirror that I got from my Aunt. It used to belong to my grandma Knight, so I think that's pretty cool.
Come on in!
From the front door, coming in.
The living room area. You might notice I am attracted to sunset type things...
the other side of the living room, with our little vacation painting.
our newly restlyed and much more full bookshelves! (you might remember the old ones, from this post about where I live)
closer view. I love that now there is a lot more about US on there! not that many people come over to see them...)
And here is the little reading nook we fit in next to the dining table. We moved the biggest pillow trying to cover the ugly fabric on the chair until i decide what i want to recover it in. I think something gray, if I can find it, since I couldn't find it for my sofa...maybe a vertical strip or even plain white or cream...I have no idea. Hope you enjoyed the tour of our "new" living room!

Yay! You hung the mirror.
Also, I LOVE your place! It's so fresh and pretty! Starting next week I can come admire your beautiful shelves every Thursday!
yay! salt lake dining scene, here we come!
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