Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Where I live

I like color. You will see that.
I sometimes wish I lived in a beautiful neutral home,
But who am I kidding? I don't think it will ever happen.
But I do love the way she does things.

I love my sofa. It sure is comfy.

And the painting by my sister!

note the old sofa in the corner

I wish I had bigger booksheves.
But these are working for now.

I like mirrors and reflective things, and pretty things.

Here is my bed, with the bedding I've had FOREVER
(but still love)

I labored over this mix of art and stuff for a while,
but I don't LOVE it.
I think maybe it's a little much.

That little pillow is my favorite.
And it looks good on my couch.

The art is all over the place-some of it is real art,
some traveling souvenirs, the photos are all ones I took,
or of my family, some of the paintings are mine.
If you've been reading my blog for a while
you'll recognize my favorite art around my room.

I am very grateful to be in the master
and to have a large closet and

I don't like lots of little trinkets,
but the ones I have remind me of great places
I've been and fun things I've done, and

Masks from Venice, creepy puppet from Prague,
camel and lantern from Morocco, little blue rock from Zion.

pink flowered lamp from London, Grandpa Roberts hat,
Tiffany box (I sure do love that color!
Thus, inspiration for my bathroom) from work.


hknight said...

So cute, i love it! I love all the fun colors. Plus loving the shower curtain!

meagan said...


Also, I'm really loving the photo collage. I may have to copy you on that.

Also, I want to see all this in person.

S said...

It looks so awesome! And I have that exact same picture of us (the one on your bathroom cabinet) on my desk at work!

Nana J said...

Ditto on the shower curtain. Very cute!