Friday, April 08, 2011

you're probably not now, nor have you ever

ACTUALLY wanted to know this information, but since I'm bored and just watched an intersting movie, here are some of my favorites in no particular order except how they come to mind: -Sunrise (A Song of Two Humans)-Casablanca-Finding Neverland-The Departed-An Affair to Remember-Singin' in the Rain-Emma-The Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers-Casino Royale-Holiday Inn-A Lot Like Love-The Young Victoria-An American President-Persuasion-Meet me In St. Louis. I also reserve the right to ammend this list at any time, for any reason. Like right now, when I want to add Easy A. Just because I can, and because I think it's really funny, and slightly inappropriate.


Julia said...

The American President! This brings me back to nights at Stadium Terrace watching it in your apartment. So much fun.

S said...

I have never seen A Lot Like Love. Is it an older movie? I agree that Easy A is super funny, although inappropriate; and I love The Young Victoria.

Amy said...

A Lot Like love has Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet, it's not a great cinematic work though, by any means.