Saturday, March 26, 2011

Faber est suae quisque fortunae OR every man is the maker of his own luck

Since I am undecided on what path I will eventually take with graduate school, I am currently preparing for both a business degree and a humanities or art history degree.

I am cultivating business relationships who can give me excellent recommendations, and studying the math I need for the GMAT, and I am working on some new writing samples and just picked up a book I want to tell you about.

I was always annoyed in high school that Latin wasn't offered, and when I got to college so jealous of those who had been luckier than I. But, at BYU I was intimidated, and less driven, and so never seemed to make it a priority.

My friend Jason, however has recently introduced me to Wheelock's Latin, which is apparently a great text for self-learners. SO, I am teaching myself latin. It will surely be a slow process, but I am going to share what I learn here. I am really excited.

Why does it even matter? Well, when I go to graduate school, if I study humanities or art history my favorite periods are 1)ancient roman and okay, greek-so maybe Greek is next but it's all in Latin anyways and English for that matter, and 2) middle ages and renaissance-but particularly as it revolves around the Catholic church-where most things are in Latin!

I think it will just be helpful. Although, I see in it everything that I hated about learning French. However, since I already have a certain amount of French under my belt at least I'm already familiar with it, and they're cognate languages (yay!) so I already have some vocabulary mastered.

Wish me luck!


1 comment:

S said...

Ooh, Latin. That's awesome! Please do share what you learn--I would love to pick up little tidbits along the way.