Wednesday, September 01, 2010

oh work...yes, yes you are.

Yesterday I officially handed my store over to the new store manager. We spend one day together next week so I can finish "transitioning" her.

I'm not gonna lie. It's hard. I cry a lot. I'm frustrated. I feel quite a bit like a failure.
(which is an irritating feeling.)

I daydream of days when the people that worked for me liked me.
When I didn't have to be the mean guy.
When they would trust my judgement and KNOW that the feedback I was giving was honest, fair, and in their best interest.

It's been a little over a month since I started my new far...I almost wish I hadn't done it.

BUT, I know in order to grow, you've got to get out of your comfort zone.

I am really truly incredibly grateful for the assistant I have. She is WONDERFUL. And if i didn't
have her, I would probably hate me life completely and have asked for my old job back.



1 comment:

Nana J said...

Just remember that you are VERY GOOD at what you do, and keep your chin up.