Monday, April 19, 2010


Have I ever told you that my calling is FHE co-chair?

Well, I started writing this post about how frustrating that experience sometimes is.

But instead, I want to share something else.

Today, our lesson was on having an attitude of gratitude when things are rough.

So, that's what I'm doing.

Today I am grateful for:

people who can read my mind
a couple of my girlfriends in particualr, who just know how you feel, in a minute.
sunny sunny days
zebra wallpaper
seeing the awesome skills of my friends: Christie is putting on her BFA final show next week, and I'm so excited.
the words "I appreciate you" and "thank you"
people love to work for me
I get along with everyone on my team, and get along well.
random text messages from random people that surprise me
finding something in the scriptures that sticks out to me
rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
kindred spirits
long drives up the canyon with the windows down
zits that get smaller
my super awesome family, and especially the little kiddos in my life.
friends I haven't seen in a while, and will get to see soon
the joys of reunions, when it feels as though a minutes hasn't passed
paid vacation days
upcoming womens conference-I've never been
pretty little books
good hair days
funny tampon commercials
that's all.

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