Tuesday, December 08, 2009

some thoughts from yesterday and today

advice for my neighbor: If you don't like the way I'm piling the snow as I'm shoveling it because "It's making my nice snowy yard look dingy and unattractive with the random piles" everywhere, then YOU shovel the snow on my driveway.

advice for the lady in the library sitting next to me at the table: You should maybe go into the bathroom to nurse your baby. Even though you have one of those stupid shields, I STILL KNOW what you're doing and even though we're at BYU it's still annoying and innapropriate. Especially since about 30 feet away is a womans bathroom with a couch in it. GO IN THERE. gross.

advice for you, stupid customer: Telling me that another store will do something dishonest just makes me want to call my boss and tell on them, because I am THAT mature. It doesn't make me want to do it for you. It also makes me want to tell you that you are a bad person and dishonest. And sometimes, I do tell you.

advice for Martin Scorsese: You should please make more cool movies like the departed with a more acceptable rating so I can feel good about watching them. Because...dang.

advice for you, my friend: Listen to my advice. I PROMISE it would be good for you.

Love, amy.


Nana J said...

When/if you are a nursing mother (emphasize nursing, not mother) you will feel differently. I disagree that nursing a baby in public is gross or inappropriate. What IS gross is having to sit in a BATHROOM to feed your baby. Eeewww - germs! You are probably too young to remember when a McDonalds employee told a woman she had to stop nursing her baby in the "restaurant" (I am using the term restaurant loosely here). Boy, there was quite a backlash against McDonalds.
I remember nursing Jennifer while in the library. I was completely covered, and Jennifer was nursing quietly. The librarian told me to stop and I refused. It made me mad - would she have rather that I let my baby cry?

Now, saying the work "suck" - that is gross....or, making out in public.....or talking loudly on your cell phone in public. It is all in your perspective.

With love (and a little chastisement),
Aunt Denise

Are you back as BYU as a student?

Josh said...

I agree with Denise on the nursing thing, although I did feel like you before I was a nursing mother. I have nursed both Tanner and Ava "out in the open" and really wished I could just take the nursing cover off. I'm pretty sure I only kept it on because I didn't want to make other people uncomfortable. Nursing changes the way you feel about being exposed in public, at least it did for me.


Josh said...

Martin Scorsese: if you make another Departed-caliber movie, I will see it even if it's rated NC-17.

My advice to the MPAA, don't quit your day job.

Josh said...

@nana j:

oh no you di int. oh burn.