Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So it's no longer November...That doesn't mean I can't be grateful...

Right now, I am grateful for a few things:
1. Meagan-I am happy she is back. I love that sometimes, I get the most inspirational perspectives and thoughts about life from her. And she always lets me complain but has nice things to say about everyone.
2. Sunny Days-today I got my car washed-yay! it's clean.
3. Baking-I am attempting to make this cardamom bread I made with my roommate Julia, but I am not nearly as good in the kitchen department as she is...It's been rising for 4 hours and still isn't double...
4. But along the same lines, I bought cookie cutters today and am making sugar cookies to help myself feel better.
5. I also watched The American President, which is one of my favorite movies of all time. It always makes me happy.
6. Opinions-I am glad I have them, and that people around me do too, it makes for more delightful conversation.
7. Being able to participate in giving tree and sub for santa programs. They MAKE the holiday season for me (outside of baking and making paper snowflakes)
8. Optimism-it is a blessing to be an optimist, I must say. I think it's because I come from an optimistic group of people. Those in my family always looking on the bright side-thank you.

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