Saturday, July 18, 2009

I have been thinking...

about what to do with my life. Any suggestions?
I think I am ready for a career change- maybe a 9-5 something or other. One where I can take weekends and holidays off. One where Saturdays are days you go in to the office only if you're a freak. OR maybe it's just time to go to graduate school.

That being said, any suggestions? I don't have any particular care where I go, only don't know where to begin. And the GMAT is hard. I hate math. Why is it necessary to solve for x? Isn't that a little high of an expectation for someone not even into business school? Let's just be real here, folks. And why does it matter if the provided information is enough to solve the problem. Somehow I always seem to come up with an answer.

By the way, I am lately very much enjoying the balmy summer evenings. Taking walks with friends is my favorite past time. Isn't it great?


Jess said...

What is your passion? That's always a good starting point. What do you love to do more than anything else?

P.S. I have been asking myself the same questions lately.

meagan said...

I think your plan to study and take the GRE is a great one. Especially since results are good for 5 years!