Sunday, July 05, 2009

Found another lovely little story...

Enjoy! (again, no spelling or punctuation changes have been made. I just think it feels more fun this way.)

The Sick Animals of Kingsport Hill

Once in a city near Kingsport Hill lived a farmer and his wife and 3 children on thier farm they had 2 horses, 3 ducks, 4 geese and 5 pigs Thier mother liked the pig they called Elanore the most because he had a good appetite and she feeds him well one day Elanore ate to much and she got very sick
A doctor lives on Kingsport Hill. So they took Elanore to see the doctor. The doctor said that Elanore would be very sick for a ling time and would have to stay with him the family sadly left. When they got home theire cow was in the pig pen and had aten some of the pigs food and the pigs were gone!!! Two months later the cow got sick and the doctor said that the pig had died the family sobbed and the mother panicked the same thing happened with the cow Betsy. Was the doctor killing theire animals?

The End.


hknight said...

Where do you come up with this stuff?

meagan said...

Basically all I had to do was ready the title of this story to know it was Pulitzer-worthy (:

S said...

Love it.

Amy said...

I just wish I could find more animal-napped stories...I wrote SO many. Plus potatoville...I wonder where that one is. IT was a goodie.

Rachel said...

Too funny! Thanks for sharing.