Saturday, January 17, 2009


I really wanted to blog about my favorite film ever. I think everyone should see it. I love it.
I was introduced to this film in a roundabout kind of way. For one of my senior seminars in Humanities I selected a class entitled "Film as Art" I thought we'd watch all kinds of independent films, maybe some crazy ones with wierd colors or obsessive ideas I don't know. It just sounded easier than the "Europe in the 14th Century" seminar I had just completed.
However, when the first day roled around and the professor handed out the syllabus the words "European Silent Cinema" caught my eye. But I stuck around, as pessimistic as I felt. We watched all kinds of films. Some were amazing (Metropolis, The Great Train Robbery, The Outlaw and his Wife etc.), some were not my favorites, so much so that I don't even know what they were called, and maybe because I slept through them. But my three favorites were later films, more story-lined and relatable. They are as follows: Sunrise, Nosferatu, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.
Sunrise is by far the most beautiful, and most touching film, I totally love it. The music is beautiful, and you get so caught up in the story, you don't even realize that you have to read the title plates. It doesn't need them at all, however. It is easy enough to get caught up in the story and know what is happening without them. Here is a small clip. If you want to watch it, I own it and am more than happy to share. Because I just checked, and you can no longer get it at Kino. But you can also rent it from the Orem Public Library. I also encourage everyone to check out Metropolis. Pieces of the film were found in a Janitors closet of an asylum after World War II. Crazy. Enjoy!

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