Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Strengths

At work, we are trying to build strength based teams. Where we create our leadership teams based on strength partnering rather than weaknesses. Meaning, we find people who's strengths have what we need to work with rather than focusing on trying to improve their opportunities. This comes from the Strengths Finder system. So, yesterday, I did the strength finder online only to learn mostly what I already know. At least, however, now I think of them differently.

My five top strengths were:

Learner: I love to learn, more than whatever the result is, I love the process. No surpise, by the second week of summer break I was always ready to go back and wish I was still in school.

Achiever: I like competition, and I like to win. I have a constant need for achieving goals. It's quite irritating. I wish I could be happy we won a contest, instead of wondering when the next one will start, or be okay with second place. It's all or nothing. How annoying.

Intellection: I like the mental activity of thinking. Not that I'm thinking particularly great or wonderful thoughts, but that I enjoy reflecting on things and possibilities.

Activator: I like to start things. Lots of things. Once I make a decision, I like to act on it. Now. But I am not particular about seeing all things to completion, unless it's a contest.

Input: I like to add information to my collection of knowledge, however I can, and experience new things that add to my knowledge of the way things are.

Those are my strengths. I was curious about this after my boss spoke of it on a conference call, so I bought myself a copy before he gave me one. Sarah is going to take it, so I am curious to see what her strengths are. It's very interesting. If anyone is interested, I think the book is only about 14.95, and it's fun to see what strengths are hidden in your personality, and that they can be considered strengths instead of areas of opportunity. I love it.


Scrappy said...

My husband buys that book for all of his new managers. It is a great tool. I keep thinking I should take the test myself, maybe I could figure out how to motivate myself to do the things I want myself to do. ;)
I am sure one of mine will be Activator. I love to start (and get so excited about) new projects. I don't always finish though.

Amy said...

I have a way hard time finishing. I love to start, and then dump it on others to finish :). But I definitely am going to have my management team to all do it as well.