Saturday, November 15, 2008


The title really gives it all away. But as I have been procrastinating writing an update due to a lack of photraphic eveidence that I have, in fact, been up to something, I decided I do have something to post about. Headbands. Those in my immediate family know all too well my adoration for them. My wallet knows even better my love for them. I wouldn't even say it's that I love them. It's that they love me. They call to me, reach for me, and they fit so nicely on my head that it is, in fact, fate for me to have them.

With the recent change in dresscode at my work, we have been all but banned from wearing fun accessories (they have to be neutral and classic in appearance, or as my boss put it "pearlts or diamonds, take your pick") and my head is going through withdrawl. But as I got dressed to go to the store after work I was thrilled to put on a headband and decided to write this (or what it is now turning out to be) loveletter?

Dear Headbands,

I miss you, and your beauty. My head misses how you seem to hold it all together. I have tried to fashion you myself, but I seem unable to make you come to life like the professionals. Please forgive my disgrace, I will continue to strive in my efforst. love without end, Amy.

So, without delay, here is a collection of some I admire:*

But as I am posting pictures, I have an epiphany and realize it is not necessarily headbands alone but all good hair accessories that cause my heart to leap with joy! For example:




I think sometimes, that I just love the femeninity of a hair accessory (besides a hat I suppose, but I mean really, they hardly count). It's something uniquely femenine, and no matter how modern or uber-sleek, it's romantic. And I love that.

*Please note this is a VERY selective collection, and in no way represents the scope of my obsessions. If you would like, I am available for lengthy discussions on the benefits and features of headbands and all they bring to the world.

**Also, I tried for almost a 1/2 hour to get this stupid picture in the right place, so oh well. I will never be able to look at this post without cringing now, and suddenly do not love this hairclip anymore.

1 comment:

S said...

I'm not a big headband person, but I am a big fan of hats.

And I have two words for you:

Etsy Account!!

Except, how about you wait until after Christmas... just in case someone decides to Etsy your C-mas present...

Cute blog template, by the way.