Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A simple solution-just write it all away.

I suppose I'm blogging right now to help relieve some stress. I'm such a procrastinator (or an if-you-avoid-it-or-pretend-it-isn't-there-it-might-go-away-er). Which must be why even though I have so much to get done in the next three days I am writing here, especially since I haven't bothered to in so very long.

I really can't ever think of anything that seems important enough to write that anyone would care about. I do all of my hum-drum writing in my journal where I like to pretend that if someone is a descendent of mine they will care enough about the day-to-day concerns of my life or random musings.

Mostly I've been really stressed out lately and barely able to keep at a functioning level trying to be superwoman and do everything I need to at an exceptional level. I don't know where this came from (my mom or my dad) but I hate having to do anything that I can't do to PERFECTION. Which must be why I am so good at putting things off. But for the past month or so I have been running two stores and trying to keep all the associates and managers from stressing out completely and quitting on me. But I have to admit that trying to keep them motivated and "keep my cool" at all the seriously misguided things they do makes me want to lose my mind. I have to hand it to my boos though, he has been really supportive and understanding when I miss deadlines for paperwork. And even though it has been crazy, it has made me really appreciate the team I have and see that I am more capable than I thought.

I have to admit though, no matter how stressed out I get at work, I get so refreshed when I get to interact with my customers. They are so important to me, and every time I get to interact with a customer that wants to be there, and is having fun, I realize how much I love my job.

I am really excited because on Monday I leave to go to the Holiday brand conference. I love Holiday. Even though it seems like a lot of people in retail dread it because of the chaos and the pressure to make sales plans I thrive on it. Yeah, it's difficult to manage that much product and that increased amount of volume and traffic but it is so fun. busy=exciting! It's fun to talk to all the customers and know that I have an impact on their moment/day/week/holiday season or whatever influence I have. And that doesn't even have anything to do with all the fun things to look at and try and buy during holiday. Our company always has so many fun things we release during the holiday season and it's so girly and fun to be there.

And that right there is the reason I love to journal. I feel way less stressed. I am now more excited than anything. yay!


S said...

I know how you feel, Ames. I mostly blog because it's a place to record things, and I am far too impatient to hand-write in a journal.
I figure at the end of each year I could print out all of my blog posts, or just transfer them to a Word document... that counts as a journal, right?
Most of my blog posts are just so I remember the random, small things I do. If other people care, then that's awesome.
I think you're amazing, by the way. I hope you have fun at Brand Conference!!

Jess said...

I'm sorry you're so stressed and hope you have fun at the conference.