Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's time you get to know me...

I was talking with a friend the other day about all the things you can post on facebook, and how people are putting up "25 random things",and she was saying that's what her blog is for. Well, I agree, this is such a good place to do that! So, if anyone is reading my blog, here are some things you should know about me, or may just find ineresting. Or then again, you may not.

1. I love school. So much that I wish I was still in school, but have no idea what to keep studying.
2. I want to go to graduate school, but I feel like it would be wasteful to go if I'm not 100% committed to something, and I just don't know what to do!
3. I love peonies, so if you ever want to send me flowers, those are my #1 choice.
4. I am trying to be a better person.
5. I wish all my family lived somewhere else so I could move. I want to live anywhere else, but want to be near my family.
6. Obviously, I love my family.
7. I love my friends too, they are like more family.
8. I love headbands (see below)
9. I cannot wink, or whistle, and I have only recently learned how to somewhat snap.
10. I love hearts. Perhaps this is because my birthday us Valentine's Day, or maybe I am just fortunate.
11. I am so lucky that Jeff and Heather make cute and fun kids, because I enjoy playing with them.
12. I am very fortunate I think that all my siblings are fun to be around.
13. I love to shop. There, I said it. Even just for groceries!
14. I wish I could really paint.
15. I still want to be an archaeologist or art restorer when I grow up.
16. I love my job alot. But sometimes think I don't want to be there forever, or even in the same field forever.
17. I have been skydiving, but not bungee jumping and want to go very bad.
18. I don't think of myself as a picky eater, but it was recently brought to my attention that I am NOT a "like everything girl." I don't like olives, or mushrooms, or fish or any ocean dwelling animal, or strange parts of animals like tongue, or anything. So yeah, I'm somewhat picky. But if it's necessary to be polite, I will eat them.
19. I can sleep anytime, anywhere. Really. It's a blessing and a curse.
20. I also cry at the stupidest things. Like commercials, or the "sad" parts in comedies, like House Bunny or Baby Mama.
21. I like star trek the next generation. But I could not tell you if something was in clingon or what species some alien is, or what the # of the ship is. I just like to watch it okay?
22. I LOVE to write in my journal, like it's a therapist and I am pretty specific about the journals I write in. I like to carry them with me everywhere I go so that when the mood strikes, I can write.
23. I'm pretty convinced that someday, someone will discover my hidden skill and make me rich and famous for it. It will happen one day, when I least expect it, and I still don't know what they'll discover. But it will be awesome.

That's all for now. I just thought you should know.
Because I feel like my life is mostly an open book, but just in case you didn't know these things, now you do.
Just some things you should know.


S said...

I love reading these!

meagan said...

This is so fun! I wish I were better at journal writing. I also LOVE peonies.

And I totally teared up during a Mastercard commercial during the Oscars last night...

Scrappy said...

Wait. Wasn't that only 23 things? I want two more! :)
I love these sort of things. You always learn something you didn't know about the person.