Thursday, March 25, 2010

For realsies everyone...

don't you just love to flirt?

I love it. I think it's so much fun!

And besides that, it increases my skill with witty banter, (which is really pratically the same) a skill, which it is always good to be up on.

Flirting does a lot for you, not only do people you flirt with automatically like you better, it's not like they have to be a potential date to flirt with them (although flirting with them in the "I'm interested in dating you" way increases the likelihood they will become a date).

You can flirt with friends, random strangers, customers, co-workers, superiors, policemen, people in the service industry (they'll ALWAYS flirt back and give you better service) I mean, the list goes on and can even flirt with girls (if you are one, but be careful...this is a different kind of flirting than "I'm interested in dating you" flirting). It improves relationships and makes everyone more pleasant. For an added bonus: it definitely makes you more approachable, which to be honest, is a quality a LOT of people could benefit from having.

I have GOT to remember that more often. Go, my friends-get your flirt on!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Ames I need you. My flirting skills which were dismal at best when I lived with you have continued to tank until I'm not sure they exist anymore! Save me...