Thursday, February 18, 2010

owie owie owie owie!

I just said that a lot of times in a row out loud and thought. yup, that sums it up.

I have an owie. And not just any owie, a BIG one. For days I've had this ginormous tension headache (made all the better by some tear shedding) that just won't go away no matter what I seem to do. Where excedrin has never let me down before, the past few weeks have made it a miserable failure. (Did I ever tell you about the time I bought excedrine migraine and this is what it said on the box "consult a doctor before using if you have the worst headache you've ever had in your life..." and it was? well, I didn't consult my Dr. I just took some, and it helped.) I think a massage maybe would help? I don't know. So I have a proposition-who wants to give me a massage? Not just as a gift- nay, in return, I will give you...


and also a tasty treat of your choosing, or a card or service or I will do an unpleasant task for you or live in your debt until forever...seriously. I am not joking.

Although I think I may also head to the doctor. This is getting ridiculous. It keeps coming back in the same place on my neck-it hurts a LOT. In fact, sometimes so much that I want to crawl into a dark hole where there is no light and no noise and no heat and no cold and also no smells. Because they are irritating.

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