Monday, February 22, 2010

Good or Bad?

I have this new idea, and I want you to participate-if you want.

Is it good, or is it bad...
  • that you can buy string cheese and it doesn't expire for a few months
  • that I can (and do) go days without showering and still look decent (even if I run... eww maybe? But I don't mind...)

I have more ideas...but that's all for now. What are other things you wonder about-any or is it just me?

That's all.


Nana J said...

String cheese - good
No showers - bad

I wonder why I am addicted to chocolate (I only mind when I look in the mirror).

Rachel said...

String cheese - good. Cheese gets better with age, right?
Days without showering - good, and convenient. Sometimes my hair just looks better the 2nd day! Plus, that's what perfume is for, right? Now if you're talking 3 to 4 days that's pushing the eww side.

Becca said...

String cheese - questionable. Cheese does get better with age, but string cheese doesn't seem like real cheese to me.

Showering - I know I should say it's wrong and sick..... but I totally do it too. Running and all. I don't have a good excuse either since I'm at home all the time now. I swear that showering is easier when you're busy. I think it's because you have to actually schedule it.

Julia said...

Ames I'm glad you haven't changed. And somehow you always looked good even when you didn't shower!

Mawn said...

Delayed showering? Fantastic! I like the clean feeling but hate doing my hair after.
Old String Cheese? mine never lasts long enough to get close to the expiration date so I guess that one is ok too.