Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My wasted heart will love you forever...

I was reading a few funny stories about romance gone awry, especially in college on other blogs and it's funny. I'm reminded of some of the stories from my past...are you ready?

*Please note that all names have been changed...only because people who know them read this, I think...okay, not all the names have been changed. (actually, I just won't use real ones, how about that?)

Also, let me preface this by saying that I am not good at dating, at love, at understanding why in the world people would ever have been interested on taking me on dates earlier in my life... I'm kind of awkward. I'm much better at being friends.

As I sit here writing this, I realize there are lots of things I don't remember about my life. Good thing I keep journals. But I start? a story I remember, thanks to being reminded of it a while ago by a friend.

In jr. high my friend had a crush on me I suppose. Sweet... except I liked his friend, the ultra attractive, tanned, bleach-tipped funny guy that liked my friend the super-cute more-fun-than-me blonde girl... yeah. This is how jr. high was for everyone-right? moving on. He really was nice. I liked to talk to him. I don't remember how we met, at all. I think probably in band where I met all my friends, since he wasn't from my ward like all the other friends. So, one year for Valentine's Day (coincidentally also my birthday!) he came to my friend Susahanananana's and brought me a rose! (which in my 14 or so year old mind made me say ick! in general I think when people do things like that they are playing some sort of rude prank on me. why would they want to give me a rose? are they trying to embarrass me? I prefer not that.) with a note that said "sometimes good friends need to be reminded just how special they are." Sweet, right? Well, this is the first of many times that I responded like a jerk. I think I waited nicely for him to leave, and then took that rose and threw it away. I know I was a jerk. I really try to be nicer now.

Want to hear an awkward date story? Fast forward to (maybe just after?) high school, when the boy that told me I was "easy on the eyes" (what? who says that? I think I remember being slightly offended, though I don't really know why-now I would just say, "awww...thanks...that's weird that you said that, though.") asked me on a date. Okay, fine. Mom said "give everyone a chance" so I did. We went to a movie, where he told me he was scared (oh yeah, by the way it was a Bond, James Bond movie. so scary-right?and asked if I would scratch his back to comfort him. ummm...what? no. except I did for a second until I pretended to be so engrossed in the movie that I gradually stopped, then folded my arms while he was touching my leg ummm...STOP! well, that's okay. Because even after that, when I gratefully assumed that the date would be over and he would take me home, it turns out it wasn't. The dear date turned to me and said, "do you mind if we stop by my mom's house really quick before I take you home?" "ummm, okay," I say. So we do. We stop by his mom's house, where LO AND BEHOLD! she conveniently has some hot tasty dessert that just came out of the oven! and would we like to have some? So we do. and while we're there have I ever played some dice game that I will of course be horrible at and not enjoy at all? "no? why don't we play a quick round?" over an hour later, when I am nearly in tears because of the awkwardness and how tired I am, I finally get the courage to say something very polite like "it was so nice to meet you Mrs. dear dates mom. I have to be home by midnight (thank you, invented curfew!), otherwise I would love to stay and play some more. (No, I would not ever like to be here again, ever.)" and he takes me home. I think I turn to him and say, "thanks, dear date. See you later!" and proceed to get out of the car, leaving him in no doubt that I am a very gracious person. Also, I would have thought that an exit like that would have kept him from going for date number two. nope. Another time though. This is already too long.

I'm sure you have funny stories-you should share some, here or on your own blog. Because I enjoy reading of how other people are sometimes awkward like me.


Liesl said...

See, I'm pretty much exactly like you when it comes to dating, and that means I don't date very much. My first awkward date I went on doesn't have much of a story to tell, and the guy I went out with ended up turning into the biggest hottie anyway, so I'm embarrassed that I rejected him. He was still nice to me, though.

And I already told you the embarrassing story of being asked out while in my disgusting pajamas. So I'll have to wait to go on more dates, but in some ways I'd rather not have to go through awkward situations in order to have a good story.

Jess said...

One of my favorite strange dates stories was when my date (a set-up no less) kept picking me up to prove his strength. After the fourth time I started to really get annoyed.

Susannah said...

Susahanananana? Hahahaha

My entire life is awkward...couldn't really pin it down to a certain story ;)

Sarah said...

Hahaha, I love this!! I'm trying to think of awkward dating stories.

Oh my gosh!! J.J.! Yep. I've got one. Stay tuned.

hknight said...

Ames the stories in your life are hilarious! i'm sure I have some,i'll think about it and get back to you!

Rachel said...

Haha, thanks for sharing. I'm part of the awkward crowd too. Speaking of bad date stories, I'm reminded of a date only a few weeks ago. The guy suggested we go to an art museum, I was cool with that because I like art. So, we get there and start looking and about 5 minutes later he says "I'm done, what do you want to do now?" All that came out of my mouth was...umm, wasn't this your idea? The date lasted less than an hour and I was grateful to leave after hearing him tell me how lazy and boring he is (his words, not mine!)