Monday, February 01, 2010

The Daily Ten Again...beause sometimes, when the rain is pouring you have to look for the sunshine and little rainbows- you know?*

1. Go JAZZ! Going to the game with the SM team was so FUN!
2. There is such a thing as constructive feedback, and I loved, loved, loved getting it and knowing what I can do to be a more effective leader.
3. That people around me know I don't drink, tell others, and refuse it for me when it's offered. That's cool.
4. Family outside of your family.
5. But even more-my regular family. We have it good, don't we you guys? I love you.
6. A calming influence inside a friend.
7. Okay, this might be weird, but sometimes random creepy people hitting on you is flattering. So thanks, random creepy guy.
8. sleep.
9. This photographer- look how cool she is! I really want to try that-when it's a little warmer outside.
10. Peace from the savior and breaths of fresh air. Isn't it wonderful?

*Okay 11. (Again, sorry!) but notice the "c" missing from the word because? Well, I am grateful that my "c" key doesn't work very well, because it makes me smile when it makes little mistakes in my spelling.


Liesl said...

No, no, I like being hit on by random creepy guys sometimes, because it's a nice boost to the ego. Doesn't really happen to me all that often, so my roommate Ashleigh and I have kept track of how many times we've gotten whistled at and such. Okay, maybe I'm desperate.

Amy said... many Liesl?