Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Daily Ten

Today I want to do what lots of people do. A daily 10 of the things I'm most grateful for today.

1. Ang. Over and over Ang. She could probably be 1-10. I am grateful for her. No one knows me like she does.
2. Going to see a really horrible movie with Tyler-they both made me laugh a lot.
3. The nice things that Don said (he called me capable! and said he respected me and appreciated me-my boss!)
4.This customer that told me to have a wonderful day before I could tell him-he was so happy, it rubbed off a little.
5. A bite of good asparagus that reminded me how much I love vegetables.
6. Seeing my little assistant managers become capable and motivating leaders.
7. Standing my ground, even though it would be much easier to just give in.
8. Cute headbands-they make a world of difference between a ponytail and a done hairdo.
9. Making my bed-it instantly pulls me together and calms me down-and it looks so nice
10. People who love me, and tell me, beause one can never hear it too many times.

and actually...

11. The prospects of a new day. "Tomorrow is always fresh-with no mistakes in it."

Sunset over the Grand Canyon. Photo by me: you can tell beause I have the horizon line problem like Sarah.


Liesl said...

I like that you quoted "Anne of Green Gables." That's what I'm grateful for.

hknight said...

There are so many things to be grateful for, it would be hard to pick 10! But one of the things I am grateful for is YOU! You are an amazing person and always fun to be around! LOVE YOU!

Sarah said...

Ummm... okay. So, I already thought that painting you did was amazing, but now that I know how much it actually looks like this painting (especially the gorgeous clouds), I'm kind of astounded. Good job!

Amy said...

Thanks! But I think it was easier to paint because I had the picture to reference...can you imagine actually painting it al fresco?