Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Breathe a breath of fresh air. All bad things come to an end. The sun shines. Things were touch and go there for a while, in lots of ways. But you know. The sun always comes back out. I am grateful to Liesl (her link is on the right!) beause on Sunday she reminded me that the moment you're in always feels liks you'll be in it forever, and that you've been in it forever, and that it's sometimes strange to think that it will change because it reminded me that it isn't that way. Thanks Liesl! But in other news- I spent the past two and a half days in meetings sitting down=icky! I learned TONS! And I am really excited for the upoming months at work...there's cool stuff coming your way!

We did a visual lab on Sunday at a store, and I was reminded how much I LOVE merchandising. So maybe that's a good plan for my future. limited brands does a really great merchant in training program, so maybe I'll consider that. I have two weeks before the application is due.

Then yesterday we had a meeting from 8 am (boo!) to 5:30 (boo!) with a working lunch (boo! that means more sitting down!) but then we went to the Jazz game, and even though I wasn't that excited because I don't love basketball it was SO FUN! we won, which is always nice, but I also got to really bond with our district team, so that was awesome. And then I got to go to sleep and that was awesome too! I had to do a two hour presentation yesterday to present my new role, and instead of being given two hours I had to do it in about 40 minutes (eek!) but it was great.

Then today, more visuals and meetings. Tomorrow-regular work.

and-did you know that people rollerskate like ice skating? I mean in couples dancing, and sparkly outfits and everything. It's true. I saw them on America's Funniest videos tonight.

oh! and! I am so excited that even after days of sitting and eating junk in my meetings I was still so excited (well, that's probably why) to go on a nice long run. It was so great to get out and just run until I was so tired- you know. That's a good feeling. okay, that's all. Until I come up with more.

Maybe soon. Maybe later. I'll keep you in suspense.
oh, and can you tell that I have recently learned how to change the color, size, font and justification on text in my blog. cool, huh?


Liesl said...

I am slightly embarrassed/flattered that you mentioned me on here, but only slightly, because I'm such an attention whore.

And yes, that principle is definitely still true. For instance, at work tonight I didn't talk to my coworkers like usual because I was working on homework, and I ended up feeling extremely lonely because of it and felt I would NEVER HAVE FRIENDS. Silly me.

Nana J said...

OK, so you have alluded to what is going on in your life but never come out and said it. You have a new role at work? What is it? You might be applying elsewhere? More updates, please :-)

I wish I could get your running bug. I think that is terrific.

Amy said...

I have a new role at work, but it's not extremely different. I'm still a store manager at the same store, but now I'm also directing our Assoiates Interested in Management program (AIM). So I'm responsible for taking the talent in our distrit and making sure they get what they need to get them ready for a management position when one becomes available. I get to travel a little (to Reno!) I'm really excited. coahing is the best part of my job.