Monday, January 11, 2010

Okay, humor me...or don't and skip this one.

Feb 13, 1994
I haven't written since yesterday! Sorry about that! {why was I sorry?} Is that okay? I hope so. Today was my cousin Jeremy's farewell. Aunt Denise cried until no more tears could be shed. That's usual, isn't it? That's what I thought. well, get this! tomorrow is my birthday-I'm going to be 10. The big ONE-OH. Double digits.

Feb 15th, 1994
Just one day of being 10 isn't fun. I got a math assignment today. well, I guess you usually get them in math class. Guess what? America has two golds in the olympics. I'm glad I'm american. I think that is so cool.

April 18, 1994
Today we went to the airport and saw Jeremy leave on his mission. he left on plane #733. I HAVE to remember that to see if he comes back on the same one. I don't know why we went to the airport though, it seemed like a lot of driving for no real reason. Have I already told you that I am now 10? I feel very grown up, but my mom still tells me what to do. I wonder how much longer she'll do that.

OCt. 15th 1994
I'm going to write the time first. it's 11:19 pm. The same time it was when I wrote yesterday! I don't have much time, I'll just write about today. I was bored almost all day. at 11:00 I went to Bri's (Brianna's) at 1:00 we came over here and made cookies (sugar, in case you were wondering) we're going to make more on monday and frost them. We watched Jurassic Park or Purassic Jerk as my dad likes to call it. Now it's 11:24 bye.

Oct. 16/1994 {by the way, I love my consistency with my date format!}
I hate life. I hate wars. I hate enemies. I hate fish. I hate when you have to put away the ice cream even though your sister used it last. but most of all I hate laundry. I'm serious. Did you know that I had to do my own laundry when I turned 8? oh well. Life isn't all balloons. countdown until christmas: 2 months, 9 days.

Sunday August 20th.
yesterday was fun.
1st we went to the Hill Air Force Base and saw part of the air show-they were really cool.

2nd we went to a family reunion on Antelope Island that wasn't really worth it.

3rd we went back to HAFB and saw the thunderbird show
4th we went to Denise and Dave's house and had hamburgers and corn on the cob. I love corn on the cob. nd hamburgers. it tasted great. catch ya later.

December 28th
do you like my new perfume? (smell the page) {it doesn't smell anymore...}

I crack myself up, because really, I haven't changed all that much. And I kind of like that.


S said...

"life isn't all balloons"

"I wonder how much longer she'll do that."

Ha! Those are awesome excerpts.

Jess said...

That is awesome.

Diane said...

I don't think moms ever stop telling you what to just becomes a suggestion or a comment. We can no longer make you do what we say, we can just wish you would do what we say! Love you!

Liesl said...

My personal favorite is the one that says: "I hate life. I hate wars. I hate enemies. I hate fish. I hate when you have to put away the ice cream even though your sister used it last. But most of all I hate laundry. I'm serious. Did you know that I had to do my own laundry when I turned 8? Oh well. Life isn't all balloons." I like that you hate laundry more than you hate life and war. Well, I suppose you've got your priorities straight. "Life and war sucks, but laundry sucks even more!" Ah, childhood. How amusing you are.

hknight said...

I love writings from your past! They crack me up.... But more than that I am really enjoying all of you postings! I love it when you keep updating your blog!

Emily said...

I totally love your journals. If I could read from them every day, it would make me happy. :)