Friday, January 01, 2010

I'm not that good at the trivia, BUT WE WON.

I may or may not have just driven to Vegas on a rather impulsive trip for new years.

It was so fun. Very glad I did it. Grateful to Tyler for driving, and for his fun company. It was so fun to see Emily for a minute in St. George and am very grateful to her for a place to stay. Most of the drive home we played trivia on the ipod and it took us most of the way, but we finally BEAT THE GAME! yes.

It was actually really fun to be with so many people, all having a good time and celebrating the ringing in of the new year together. Everyone was jovial and optimistic about the upcoming year. We walked for miles, ate at the hard rock and played with their digital screen for a while, watched the fountains at the bellagio and the fireworks and even parked for FREE! It was great.


1 comment:

Roxanne said...

Great picture! It was fun to see you, Amy.