Saturday, January 09, 2010

Did you know breakfast at Tiffany's is based on a Novel by Truman Capote?

What is it like to be able to grow hair on your face? I mean real hair...a beard. That's so cool. If I could be a man for a few days I would grow a beard, and I would pee standing up...outside, preferably.

Some of my friends (hi!) come from large families. 9, 10, 11 kids...I wonder what it's like to come from a large family. All those I know from large families are still close-knit. But I wonder if they are as close as my family is, or closer? and I always wonder-how can one have brotherly/sisterly relationships with that many people? I sometimes find it hard to maintain relationships with the 3 I have-how do they do it?

I also wonder what it is like to come from or live in a country where the collectiove memory and collective conscience is of sadness, or anger or continually being supressed. I would be usch a different person-I guess obviously-for growing up in a place like that. I feel very grateful for the happy happy childhood I had, and the wonderful place I live.

Also, yesterday I made a chocolate cake with layes! Here it is, In grand triumph...except for the frosting was originall darker, but SOMEONE told me I would only need one part, and then I needed more, so the second batch was a little lighter.

Also I have this observation. I am really attracted to people's voices. I love to hear people-talk, sing, laugh-whatever, but it's always the voices that I love more than anything else.



Jess said...

You threw me with the title. I've also wondered what it would be like to have 8 siblings.

Susannah said...

Having six siblings is like having six built-in best friends. Best friends who look strangely similar to you.

I like my other friends, don't get me wrong, but if given the choice, I'd rather hang out with my 3 sisters and 3 brothers any night.

Diane said...

SO glad you had a happy childhood! That cake is lovely..Good work!