Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Spring is in the air

...even though it's only the beginning of March.

I am so excited! I love spring and summer, because I love the sun, and being outdoors and all the colorful sights, and all the sounds and smells of the spring.

For the past few mornings I've been woken up at around 7:00 because the lovely little birds in the rafters of our house start singing. But I don't even mind. It is a delight to hear them.

This is what my tulips look like RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE (okay, just the pot on the right...but soon like the pot in the middle).

Also, one of my friends and I are going to the Opera on March 20th with a bunch of girlies and I am so excited, that I am wearing this fantastic necklace and am getting all dressed up, because any occassion to make life more memorable...I am on the train!

I love blossoms. My room even looks like a fantastic garden right now...So I know this is a little bit redundant, but just in case you need to know, peonies are my favorite.


Jess said...

That necklace is amazing. I have to agree with you about Spring. It is such a lovely season full of hope. I have heard the birds too this week.

hknight said...

Good thing you posted this before the snow came rolling in! Hope you have a goos moring even though spring is going to hide away for a little bit more! Just remeber that I love you and that should put a smile on your face!

hknight said...

Also I'm loving that you are posting so much lately, it's GGRRRRREAT!! As Tony the tiger would say!!

S said...

I'm with Heather--I love that you're posting more! And that necklace is gorgeous! Totally you, too. Love you!