Monday, March 09, 2009


NOT, because mother nature has it in for me...and I can't plant the flowers I bought to plant or enjoy the sunshine like I want to.
My BFF (love that word. Not really. It's just funny.) Angie, and I were going to have a picnic, but of course, it was cold and began to snow, and snowed more, and then snowed again today...simply, mean.

Also, I went country dancing with some (pseudo)friends (okay Heather, that was for you...because they are almost for real friends now) and I have not had so much fun in a long time. It was such a delight to be learning something new and doing lots of twirling. You feel very feminine. It's fun. Next time: boots, hat, and some sort of country outfit...maybe. It might take some warming up to do. If you never have, and you live in the Provo area, you should go. Because it's fun and there are LOTS of super cute guys that ask you to dance :)


hknight said...

I'm SO glad that they are almost for real friends now, but to me... they will always be pseudo!!!!

Also, we miss you around here! We don't see you as often and we are missing your ever so cute face! Plus I did put a fireplace insert in just for you!

Jeff said...

Maybe you can have Grandma Roberts show you some of those country moves!

Sarah said...

Hey, I have a hat you can use... it's hanging in my room above the cedar chest in the little alcove. You're more than welcome to use it for next time. :)