Saturday, March 14, 2009

In case you didn't know, I have short hair.

Although, I don't know who I'm kidding. I'm pretty sure the only people that read this are pretty close by or cut my hair for me, so it's really no surprise. But I haven't had pictures really. So here are some from facebook (classy, I know).

The top picture is most recent (yesterday) when I gave our enrichment "lesson" for the Birthday of the Relief Society. I am growing out the bangs so I don't want to shave my head while in europe.

And today, I rediscovered two (count them 2!) crushes...hmmm, both still single. (yay!).


meagan said...

Look at you in all your pink cuteness! And TWO new crushes?!?! Do tell!!

Nana J said...

Well, I neither live in Utah County nor do I cut your hair, so I am glad that you shared!

Scrappy said...

I LOVE it!!! Very cute. You look so pretty!

Jess said...

I like your hair cut.

Amy said...

They're not new...only rediscovered. But still, very refreshing.
But, you've inspired

hknight said...

Gotta say whoever does your hair must love you loads because she does an AWESOME job on your hair!

PS. I like the full frontal bangs, and a tiny shorter bob, so you should do that again when you get back! It just seems more YOU!

hknight said...

But I think your hair now is super duper cuteness too!

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Your hair is really cute, and I love that you have been posting more often. It's fun to get to know you more.