Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Don't be Concerned, I'm all grown up now...

*Note, no spelling corrections have been made.

Once upon a time there was a turkey named Molly. Molly was a new turkey. She was almost one. There was another turkey her age. Her name was Mollery. Mollery and Molly's names almost sounded alike. So every turkey thought they were twins. But they were not. They were only best friends. But one day Mollery got turkeynapped! Molly had no more friends. But on her birthday she got turkeynapped. And then the people who turkeynapped her killed her. The same people that turkeynapped Molly were the same ones that turkenapped Mollery. And they killed her too. Two months later Molly's and Mollery's mother's had new baby turkeys and they soon forgot all about Molly and Mollery. Molly's sisters name was Mallery. Mollery's sisters name was Mandee. And they were happy. Then Mollery's father was Thanksgiving dinner. Mollery's mother got married to another turkey. The other turkey family ten kids. The first, Megan, the second, Mekcenna, the third Max, the fourth, Richard, the fifth Ashly, the sixth, Amy, the seventh, Randy, the eigtth, Kevin, the ninth Wesley, the tenth Syidney.
The End

As you can see I had some concerns as a child.
1. I was terrified of getting kidnpped as a child. I used to think about it CONSTANTLY.
2. I was pretty sure that if I ever got kidnapped, my family would forget about me pretty quickly and not concern themselves with me at all.
3. I was a little obsessed with killing things.
4. I loved to separate my sentences, and also to use excessive commas.

This is not the only story I wrote about animal-nappings. Not even close. Nor is it the only one about Thanksgiving being the cause of torn apart families...hmm.

But as my mom and I were cleaning out the "office" in the basement and sorting through old papers we found this. We were nearly dying of laughter, and I really did laugh so hard I cried. It was hilarious. Maybe if you're well behaved, I will someday share my story about potatoville. But only if you're lucky.


S said...

That is pretty much the coolest thing ever. PLEASE post about potatoville.

meagan said...

I have tears. Literally.

Jess said...


Scrappy said...

I love finding old things like this. I would like to see more of your work. :)
I think it is so sad that you worried so much about being kidnapped. Sometimes having a great imagination can be a very scary thing.

Amy said...

I used to walk home from my friends houses at night singing really loudly and off key because I thought noone would want to kidnap a girl who couldn't that would have stopped them.
Or, bend down curled up and pretend to be a rock when cars drove by. I don't know why I was SO afraid!

hknight said...

SO funny! I love how most of the names are similar and then there are a few random names thrown in! You have quite the imagination! I did things like prtending I was a rock when cars would pass too! I was always super nervous to walk home alone in the dark! The singing badly story is one of my favorites, I laugh every single time!