Well, it's okay because my company (heart) loves me!
Every year, Victoria's Secret runs a recognition program for store managers, co-managers etc. Based on store performance throughout the year in all possible categories, the top 102 store managers, something like 10 District Mangers 2 or 3 Regional Managers get to go on a kind of retreat with the EVP's and attend seminars and classes that are oh-so-motivational and also get pampered. Be excited because this year, when I totally had 4 weeks and 75 spots to gain I ended #101. That's right ladies and gentlemen! This year from April 20-24th I will be enjoying a fantastic getaway courtesy of the company that loves me and my store. But I am also VERY excited for the goody bag. Coach, Kate Spade, Tiffany, Dooney and Bourke are all awesome contributors to goody bags from years passed. Maybe since it's a lean year for many companies the goody bag won't be as awesome, but you won't find me complaining. I am happy to be with a company that appreciates and recognizes effort-on all levels.
Where AOE was last year: The Hotel Coronado

And the year before: Bacara Resort and Spa

Yes, thank you, I WILL stay a week at a spa/resort like one of these and enjoy the sunshine, special treatment and hobnobbing with all the VIP's. Thanks very much!
Yay, you! As long as VS doesn't take any bailout money ( :-) ) go and have a great time! Congrats.
Wahoo!! I hope that means you can still come to see ME! If not, it's cool... I will still love you, and I'll bring home a keychain for you. {smirk}
I'm so so proud of you--I know it took a lot of hard work and you absolutely deserve the recognition and pampering (and sunshine). Mwah.
I am so proud of all your hard work and dedication. You Deserve this! That store doesn't know how blessed it is to have you. I think Don does tho! Have a wonderful time. I hope we can work things out for Europe too!
I am horribly jealous. You deserve it though due to all your hard work. Congrats.
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