Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Fancy Schmanciness

Tonight was a very elegant affair-the art gala of Foothill Elementary School. While I don't have photos, dad does. It was fun, we got all dressed up-though I apparently went a little overboard (but I like getting dressed up!) -and went to see Taylor's art. Dad has pictures, so maybe I can snag some.

After that we had a relief society dinner-I assumed it would be dress up, so didn't bother changing-and ended up being extremely more dressed up than EVERYONE and felt a little silly. Mostly because I had so much fun being dressed up, but one girl said "wow Amy, you certainly are trying to impress aren't you?" and I wasn't and it made me feel kind of bad, for a minute. But I had a good time. Here are some photos.
"Wonferguel," Me (rockin' my first lady hair do) and Kyra.
Isn't Monica (Wonferguel) beautiful? sometimes she stuns me-like here!
And Kyra-kick it up Kyra!
we had to try like 4 times to get a photo-but this one's my fav.

Our silly faces. Who doesn't love to pull a silly face?

I wish I were better at pulling silly faces.

They always look more outrageously silly in mind.

You know, the beauty of the first lady hair do is that tomorrow I can just stick in a headband and I look JUST as put together, if not better.

1 comment:

Liesl said...

Dang, I wish I didn't have work last night so I could have come! Lamesauce. Is that two words?