Thursday, April 29, 2010

Someday / Madonna and Child

I have lots of someday dreams...

these include the someday dreams of a family full of children, but I'll spare you... I'm talking about these kings of someday dreams:


someday I hope to have a big porch, with a swing on it.

someday I hope that I have a pretty sparkly chandelier above my bathtub.

someday I hope I take good enough care of a garden to cut fresh flowers every day.

someday I hope to travel to Africa.


But I really hope that someday I have lots of original art works in my house. I don't even care if they're by famous or even "real" artists.

Even if they're just paintings by me or my super talented sister (I already have a painting or two of Sarah's in my house and people always compliment them). I just think original artworks bring something special to a room-they just feel substantial and special.

I really love this artist. J. Kirk Richards...he's pretty talented. I would happily have pretty much any one of his paintings hanging in my home. But I especially love his Holy family:
I LOVE paintings of the Holy Family, but especially of the Madonna and Child. I just think there is something special about the mother and child, universal- maybe only women feel this way, I don't know for sure, but I think so. It's just something that connects, even though I don't have children. There are many, MANY that I love.

Okay, I don't remember who these are by, because they've just been sitting in a file on my blogger for a while. Sorry! But aren't they beautiful?

Rogier van der Weyden

By Sir Joshua reynolds, found via my new favorite blog

Hope you love looking at mothers and children, (did you love it Denise?) I do.


Nana J said...

I did indeed love it. Denise

Diane said...

Beautiful, Amy!