Thursday, April 08, 2010

Can I share a frustration here?

* mostly because I feel a little anonymity here, even though everyone that reads this knows me...but things I say here I probably wouldn't say in person-unless I was in one of "those" moods, much like I was tonight, but only to some of the people that read this, so it could be considered a sneak peak into the me that some of you never see.

Okay, so...
a) make out with you,


b) be your very best friend and not love you at all??

Desn't it sometimes just suck? The people that want to make out with me-I don't want to make out with them. I don't like them. Although they are now at my beck and call I guess. I could start to be one of those people that just makes out with people for fun. I could try it, it seems like people go through that in their lives, and I've never really been that girl. So I could try it...I guess.

Not that I'm a hater. I appreciate that they at least want to make out with me, but COME ON. ask a girl on a date.

-and, why do they want to come over and mess with my hair ONLY WHEN IT'S DIRTY?
-although, my hair is currently very clean, and I had two offers tonight...hmmm, bed calls.

1 comment:

Nana J said...

My, how things have changed. Guys want to make out with you BEFORE you have even been on a date??? They like to play with your hair???
Using suc* in a sentence without it meaning something you do with a straw? :-)

Eeeww. Ickkkk.