Sunday, April 25, 2010

A year ago I was enjoying life at the spa...
On Monday, two other store managers are headed off to enjoy the beauty that is Pelican Hill Resort and Spa.
However, I did get a spa gift certificate, bonus and am ex gift card from my company, who loves me and who also loves to throw contests.

Cross your fingers I win the drawing for the $4,000 travel voucher. I will take a HEAVENLY vacation, which I seriously need.

This Thursday and Friday mom and I are headed to the womens fair or whatever it is at BYU. I am really excited to take a minute away from the rest of the stress in my life and help me realign on the things that matter most.


1 comment:

Becca said...

So you just made me jealous four times over! Have so much fun. I'm confident you've earned it!