Friday, April 09, 2010

I stole this from someone else

Because I don't have the energy to come up with something different, and it's bugging me that I vented on my blog and that's the last post that keeps coming up at the top.

It's been a really crazy few weeks/months at work. It's like when you're so close to being overwhelmed that you just barely manage to stay in control-and it's hard, but I also like it that way, because I am still just managing to stay in control, which is great.

so, anyways. This is fill in the blank Friday, where someone, somewhere comes up with some phrases and I just fill in the blanks-seems easy enough: let it commence.

{1.} The strangest thing I've ever eaten was: WILD boar- that the hunter had recently hunted in the German countryside. While staying at the quaint little bed and breakfast in BAD LIEBENWERDA. (I think that's the name of the town).

{2.} My best friend is: Ang. Man, I'm lucky I know her.

{3} If I could live in a different era it would be: Maybe the Victorian, but only if I were rich. Or, I could live in the 50's. I think I'm pretty grateful for when I live-people would probably think I was crazy if I lived in another era. But I like the clothes in the 50's.

{4.} I like: friendly people. And people who don't take me or themselves too seriously.

{5.} If you only know one thing about me it should be: wow, ONE THING? I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and live like I am. okay, I can't just do one thing. I also really love to get to know people and their stories, and sometimes I ask so many questions I think I make people nervous, but I'm just curious!

{6.} My favorite book of all time is: Ella Enchanted. or the Historian.

{7.} The one beauty product I couldn't live without is: mascara. or eyeliner. They both really do the same thing. I don't feel like soap, shampoo, conditioner or lotion fall into the category of beauty-I find them more hygiene, so those are automatically included.
{8.} Blogging is: whatever I feel of it that day. Today it's a nice outlet, to wind down from a long day and not think about other things I should be thinking about. Normally, it's also just a place for me to put my thoughts out there.

{9.} If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with: Ummm, I don't know: either Reese Witherspoon, so we could become best friends and she would share her clothes and stylists with me, or some handsome hunk who could tell me I was beautiful all the time and mean it. That would be cool. Then he would probably fall in love with my beauty and winning personality, become a mormon and we could be MARRIED. And then he would introduce me to Reese Witherspoon, and we would become best friends and she would share heer clothes and stylsits with me.

{10.} One of the best feelings in the world is : feeling completely and utterly accepted, loved, respected and appreciated. And knowing you give the same in return.

That was fun. Clearly, I am very wordy.

1 comment:

Nana J said...

I Love #9. If I ever meet Reese Witherspoon, I will be sure to tell her about you.