Monday, March 22, 2010

On Saturday...and Today...

On Saturday I went on a lovely pinic with my Best Kindred Friend Angelina Lucille DeMarco.

She is pretty cool. She is so inspiring to me. She has really made things happen for herself. Not only is she dedicating herself to shool, she is working so hard, that she is accepted into a couple of different really incredible summer opportunities. And she's had a swith-now she's studying bioarchaelogy or something really amazing. (I know it's something like that, but I just don't know exactly what it is.) Anyways, she is inspiriational, I am so impressed. Way to go Ang! I know my opinion matters little, but I am SO proud of you, and the brave steps you have taken, and for putting the faith in yourself, because you deserve it, and you are truly superb. I am grateful that you are in my life!
Today, after work and FHE ( of which I am the co chair, have I mentioned? mondays are CRAZY!) I put together one of my new bulleting boards for work. I am so excited because I am rearranging my office and this is one of my TWO new bulletin boards; one for planning, and one for development plans-for me, our store and each of my assistant managers. So exciting. I hope that keeping everything visible will help them all focus more on their development and not so much about the little things that can get in the way of that. I am in the business of growing leaders, not just driving results.

I will say this for my awesome company. Even though they have given me an incredibly stressful month (that has so far contributed to my having 6 humongous zits at the same time!), they have also given me the tools to succeed, and I am now muh more maniacal about how I spend my time when I'm at work. My time is valuable.
I know you don't really care (that's why this is in small print) but on the top left is the calendar for the AIM program, on the top right is my calendar (underneath is the
training calendar for the new store manager I'm helping to train), the bottom
left is my DM's calendar, in the middle is the operations calendar for the next
two moths (the current month calendar is only slightly smaller than a whole
bulleting board, so gets its own spot, and the bottom right is the next month of
weekly management shedules. YES!
You know, I have always kept a planner, and usually used it. But now I'm pretty maniacal about it. If it's not in there, I'm not gonna remember. That's why I forgot to email someone a calendar, complete an action plan, or finish the April and May calendars in the midst of everything else today.

I know everyone is busy, it's life, that's how it is. I am just grateful that I have become a better planner and a better exeutor of those plans. It's helping me beome a more effective person. Not like I don't have a lot of room to grow. Do you use a planner? Do you Love it?
And yup. the team name of our pinewood derby competition on Saturday: the Fiery Flying Serpents...let's get on that, Liesl.

at our picnic we had potato salad just the way we like it: potato, eggs, dressing and very few other crunhy icky things...just the good stuff.


Sarah said...

Yo. That 4-pt font has to go. I had to copy and paste it into Word so I could read your little commentaries. :)

I don't use a planner. I just use my phone because my life isn't super hectic. Maybe once I'm back in school I'll use a planner... but until then, not a chance.

Nana J said...

I did the same as Sarah so I could read the fine print, and also tried to blow up your picture to see what was underneath "Jessica". No luck on that.

Amy said...

I don't know what happened to the font...sorry it wasn't more worth the effort.

Underneath Jessica it says her phone number and "call with contact info from roberts family book," or something like that.