Thursday, February 25, 2010

I have a problem.*

I can't distinguish between all the things I love and my real, honest to goodness favorites.

I tell customers all the time that the thing they've picked out is my favorite. I don't mean to do it. I love a lot of things, why do I have to have a favorite? OR. More than that. Why can't I have lots of favorites? They're all things I like more than others- things I would recommend and enjoy. And at times, eah one is my favorite. Like good gummy candies, sometimes, I just can't get enough of some of them. I prefer them over other things and so they are favorites.

the end.

*This entire post is a disclaimer so that I can call anything and everything I want a favorite. You have been forewarned.


Liesl said...

The disclaimer made me laugh. And favorites are hard to choose, which is why I'm very selective in the words I use. VERY selective.

Amy said...

I should learn to be more selective...but it's just not my nature.