Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thank you for bein' a friend...

(name that really cool show about four old lady friends...awesome).

Premier Chagrin, 1892
Daniel Ridgway Knight
BYU Museum of Art

aka one of my favorite paintings EVER and definitely one of my favorites in the BYU collection. (Did you know they have over 17,000 works in their collection?)

You know those days (girls) when you really just need a girlfriend who can relate and commiserate and really make you feel validated? Tonight I had one of those, and I am grateful for that girlfriend in my life tonight.

But you know one of the things that she did for me that was most significant? Call me shallow or vain or whatever, but she told me she thought I was pretty. I know, I know... but, to be honest-it was so nice. Sometimes a girl needs to hear it. It was something I needed (that pesky self-esteem!). It meant the world to me. Thank you!

Oh, and she helped me make a really scary decision. So that deserves some definite thank you waves in her general direction. Ask me if I'm so grateful next week, but we'll see...

Oh, and just in case you didn't get the answer from my subtle hints, it was Golden Girls. I loved that show when I was younger. Weird, definitely. But I always wanted to be a nice mix of all of them. But probably a little more Blanche than Dorothy for sure. Just look at them! Blanche was so much more fun-look how scary Dorothy can be.

Okay...thanks for listening, world.

1 comment:

Liesl said...

Hey, I'm happy for you. And for what it's worth, I actually always thought you were pretty. You have such pretty blue eyes. I guess I just sucked at saying it.