Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hope Springs Anew...

These are the possible career options I have pondered today:

-fashion merchandising
-event planning
-MBA event organization
-hospitality management
-international business
-just plain old MBA
-continuing in retail
-historical preservation
-being a copycat and doing what Meagan is doing-historical research
-giving up and being a bum FOREVER
-crawling into a whole and dying

I thought I was WAY too late to apply for business school and Graduate school this year, and I might be for some programs, or too late if my test scores aren't good enough the first go-round. But you know what I learned? a lot of schools have rolling admissions for their programs

Today I am grateful for lots of things, but in particular for hope and optimism. because I was having a hard day, and it's easy to think: I'm too old to do that (I know, I know, I'm not old...), or I'm too late, or I wish I'd really been on top of that...But, you know what? There are SO many options. I'm not too late until I say I'm too late and stop trying.

I hated Mrs. Friel in fifth grade, oh how I hated her! But I do remember this thing that she made us say five bazillion times each and every day before we could do anything productive:
I'm not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed; and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I fail, and keep trying.

So, you know what? I'm going to try. Why not? what's holding me back? if I want to try it, I'm going to. I'm not going to be afraid of challenges, or scary intimidating cooler people, or smarter people, or more prepared people. I am going to own it, because that is what makes me successful.


Sarah said...

Amy, you've always been smart, creative, and a hard worker. I don't think there's even one thing on that list you COULDN'T do (except the bum thing--you'd get bored, right? Yep, I know.) (And please don't crawl into a hole and die. 'Cause I would be sad.)

Love you. Good luck with the GMAT. I can't wait to see where you choose to go.

Rachel said...

Reading your post made me think of a quote by Abraham Lincoln: "The possibility that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."
So I'm glad you're hope is alive...don't be deterred! Best of luck with everything you're doing!

Liesl said...

I like that Rachel mentioned Abraham Lincoln at all, because if anyone ever was well-acquainted with failure, he was.

Anyway, good luck. And I think you should totally go into business school because I'm a nerd about business.