Thursday, March 26, 2009

I am the QUEEN

Of procrastination, that is. Because today is my last day off (besides Sunday, which is super busy) before I leave I should be doing laundry, packing, and I don't know, maybe taking a shower, and in general being productive.

So far what I've completed to leave:
made a list of what to pack
set some of it aside
started laundry
thought about it a lot
watched some episodes of Robin Hood (Thanks Meagan, I promise I'll finish it and give it back to you before I leave!)

So, instead of adding to the actual productive side of this list (you know, action items such as COMPLETED ANYTHING), I have spent the last hour at least reading blogs and watching youtube videos. Megan (otherwise known as the Specialist, since she is the bra specialist at our store) has been telling me about this hilarious video for weeks and trying to get me to watch it. So since I have so much to do today, I decided it was time to finally watch this video. Now, if you don't have 9.5 minutes to watch this video, watch at least the first two minutes (the intro and beginning of the closet) and then minutes 7-9, her makeup application ("I powder very,very good...a line, a black line"). Because quite frankly, if that's ALL you need to make you look good, then I am inspired.

Even though the majority of this video is her different outfits, they are amazing. Her commentary, though, is my favorite. "The neckline of this dress is what really makes it amazing. It looks good on me, and my figure...I swept my hair up on the sides, to accent the dress." Now I know where glamour shots got ALL of their tips.
It's just funny. And I love that the outfits are just what people are wearing now, except, updated...same looks, different fabric.(And, now I know what my mom did to look so great in the 80's!)

The opera was awesome...

As I get access to more pictures, I'll post some. But I have to say, it was hilarious, and so much fun. And it was so fun to go with so many different friends, and I was way happy to finally get Angie to do something with my friends from the ward. I think she's always afraid of hanging out with my church friends because she thinks they'll judge her, or preach to her or something...I don't know. But now she knows their nice, and fun, and cool (like me). But it was so fun, and now she won't be as unlikely to come hang out with me if I'm with them. (yay!!!!)

Apparently, I (love) parentheses...they just add a certain something to a sentence, don't you agree?


Sarah said...

Yay! Yay! Soon you will be HERE!!
Um... if you don't get your laundry ALL done, I do have a washing machine in my apartment, and there's a 99% chance my landlord will be gone the entire first weekend you're here, so, you know... don't stress about laundry.
Oh, and I love parentheses, too. To me they make my writing sound so much more like the way I speak in real life.

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, I just watched the video! That is HIlarious! I was laughing so hard I almost cried. "Let's teleport into my closet... wow that was exhausting! So I'm going to change into something a little more comfortable." [insert horrible gold chiffon dress with ginormo sleeves]

Loved it.

Amy said...

I know, right! I wish I had that dress...I would totally rock the extra special necklines (aka cleavage). Then again, maybe not.
Mom and I were DYING while watching it. You should watch more, they're funny.

meagan said...

Oh my gosh. I just had the best nine minutes and twenty-three seconds of my life! Let's teleport into my closet. That was exhausting.

But my FAVORITE part was all her red boots. I'ce always wanted 27 pairs of boots that were EXACTLY the same (:

hknight said...


Great movie but not as great as Gem Sweater or my personal favorite Twilight High School Musical! Gottalove You tube!

Megan said...

So the Megan that went to the opera with you is one of my good friends and co-workers. I knew that she was from Orem and was friends with a guy that lives in your parents' ward, but I didn't know you knew each other. Fun, small world! I'm jealous you got to the opera!

Your cousin Megan