Monday, March 16, 2009


Today was inventory.
Thank GOODNESS it is over. Although now I just wait for the results. I love and hate inventory. It is so time consuming. It takes about 10 hours of my time to do inventory, but that's after about 20 hours of prep. It is just tedious! I feel sorry for these people:

because at least I only have to do it twice a year, and it's my product that I care about. So really, I don't have it so bad. And I love the inventory team that comes to my area, the supervisor is great, and at least they have a sense of humor.
That's all.

1 comment:

Scrappy said...

Ugh! Inventory. I am so glad I am out of retail. Too bad I have to deal with my husband (well, I guess I live without him more because he is always gone) when his store is going through it.